How much does it cost to start and run a captive insurance company? It’s the most frequent upfront question we get from organizations that are looking at starting their own captive insurance company for their organization. The short answer is zero, but when we tell business this they’re left in shock. After we walk them through the process of how we got zero as the price, it makes perfect sense.
Let’s start at the end and work back; reverse engineer this. First off it’s an investment that yields an ROI, not an expense like your current insurance program. A well-run captive generates has gross savings of at least 30% off your current insurance program on average; irrespective of what structure you’re coming from; unless of course, it’s another captive. That’s because the captive shares in the underwriting profits would typically go 100% to your insurance carrier. Curious about Captives? If you want a better understanding of what a Captive is, and how it could fit in your organization CLICK HERE to download our free ebook.
Further, the risk-sharing mechanism is designed to reduced your upfront premium outlay. Your betting on yourself that your losses will be less than your premium & admin costs. In a well-designed, well-run Captive the results are undeniable. You can only generate & retain these profits, with tax efficiency, in a captive structure. Thus if you back out the cost to run and administer the captive from the profits you generate the cost is ZERO! Someone smart told me years ago that you have to spend money to make money.
In order to consider a captive structure you need these three (3) attributes :
- Size & Scale: You need to be spending in excess of $500k in your property & casualty insurance program. You can include employee benefits here too if you wish. Many captives are set up to fund employee health expenses to save on their health & benefits insurance premium. The closer you get to $1 mill in total insurance spend, the better this solution looks. As the numbers you expense in your insurance program increase there is a direct correlation by % to your end benefit.
- Free Cash Flow: In finance terms, you need to have strong financials and good free cash flow. The captive will plug into this “resource” and amp it exponentially for your company by keeping that free cash flow tax free instead of it having the direct profits spill down into the partners’ individual tax return.
- Underwriting Profits: Too often when we interview companies and CFO’s about a Captive Alternative their main driver is looking for a cheaper insurance quote. They think that by forming a captive they can out run their claims problems and high insurance premiums. This is a fools’ errand. The last thing you want to do is switch places with the insurance carriers if THEY aren’t making money on your account.
Our demarcation line is a minimum of 35% undeveloped loss pic; which is a ratio between incurred claims & premiums paid. If your loss pic is just over that 35% threshold we should have a discussion. If your over 50%, you need to solve your claims problems first before you can consider a captive solution as a potential option.
Breaking Down the Cost of a Captive
You can’t simply compare the “cost” of a captive to the “cost of your current insurance program”, especially in a 1-year snapshot. The correct way to evaluate whether a captive solution is right for your organization purely from a numbers standpoint is a (5) year window. The data set is larger and more representative of your management team. It’s less “noisy” from a numbers standpoint, enabling you to see the big picture.
Further to simply look at this purely in terms of financial implications we suggest is short-sighted as well. This a long-term strategic play. Captives have major strategic advantages as you compete for business on the street than simply buying and expensing insurance year over year.
In our view, Captives are an investment that yields a consistent, measurable ROI, not a cost or expense. It’s an investment in YOU, for YOU! If you want to be at the vanguard and stay 3 steps ahead of your competition we suggest you open up a dialogue of what this solution could look like for you. CLICK HERE to have a 10-minute discussion with one of our Risk Advisors.