
Overtime Pay: The Exposure You May Overlook
HR ChallengesAs a business owner the responsibility of providing a safe, positive, and comfortable work environment falls on your shoulders. The unfortunate reality is that these responsibilities are not always upheld or maintained. To help protect businesses…

Why Buying Workers Compensation Insurance Through Your Payroll Provider is a Bad Idea
Other, Workers Compensation Insurance
We have all seen the solicitations from ADP, PayChex and the like relating to linking your workers' compensation insurance to your payroll system. While I do not dispute the immediate benefit of such an arrangement, in most instances…

New York Workers’ Compensation Insurance
OtherSmall business owners with just a few employees naturally hope they’ll never have to deal with a workplace injury, yet in some cases their risk may be higher, particularly if they have few safety procedures in place in their small enterprise.…

With Workers Compensation Insurance Rates Heading Higher, Workers Compensation Cost Containment Moves Front & Center
Workers Compensation InsuranceIn a recently published survey by Zywave, a leading insurance industry publisher, 59% of the 3,500 employers who responded to the survey ending February 24th 2012 said they were very concerned about workers compensation insurance rates.

4 Common Workers' Compensation Mistakes
Workers Compensation InsuranceIt's not until you are hit with a few unexpected workers' compensation mistakes you really start thinking about how to improve them. When rates are low, many people think "out of sight, out of mind." Most employers look at Workers' Compensation…

Preparing for a Workers Comp Audit
Other, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsWhat exactly is an audit? The dictionary says it is a thorough examination or check – an in-depth examination of every part of a process. That applies whether you’re talking about accounting audits or workers compensation audits. You usually…

Workers Compensation Audits - How to Face Them
Risk ManagementThe word audit is not something anyone wants to hear. For most people it conjures up images of frenzied hunting for pieces of paper you know you were meant to keep track of and a general increase in stress levels. A workers compensation audit…

Workers Compensation Premium Recovery Advice
Workers Compensation Premium AuditsNo matter what type of business you run, you are going to need coverage. As your workers compensation premium recovery experts, we reserve the right to lecture you on the importance of workers comp.
#1: Workers comp protects your employees.…