Cybersecurity Program Checklist Help
General Liability Insurance, HR Challenges, Line of Insurance, Practice Groups, Risk ManagementCyber liability insurance is a trailer to a strong cybersecurity program. The insurance portion helps your organization recover costs associated with the negative effects of a successful cyber attack. Cyber liability insurance cannot prevent…
Ransomware and other cyber security threats - what you can do.
OtherThe recent outbreak of the Wannacry ransomware brought renewed attention to the importance of a well-crafted cybersecurity strategy. Every company should have a strategy in place regardless of its size. If you don’t have one yet, there…
Business Interruption and Ransomware
Cyber Liability Insurance, Line of Insurance, Loss Control, Practice Groups, Risk ManagementRansomware is a type of malware designed to deny access to a person’s computer unless they pay the hacker ransom. The NY Times reports that these attacks have grown over the past year with a 41 percent increase in 2019. Ransomware attacks…