
Applying For A Small Business Administration Loan?
OtherI don’t know any business in the tristate metropolitan region that has not been impacted by COVID-19. For those looking to shore up their balance sheets here’s a quick primer on applying for a small business administration loan courtesy…

Buying Insurance Is A Flawed Process
Line of Insurance, VlogsFrustrated by the commercial insurance renewal process...
Every year commercial insurance buyers dread going into "renewal season" attempting to try and get the best pricing for their insurance program. The entire process is flawed, as shown…

MisAligned Goals
Risk Financing, Risk Management, VlogsCommercial Insurance Is Essentially A Very Expensive Credit Line In Reverse...
Have you ever missed a payment on a Visa card only to watch your interest rate double because of that simple mistake? Misaligned goals are common and, unfortunately,…

Who Has the Best Workers Compensation Rates in New York!?
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, Human Services Practice Group Content, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsuranceClick here to find out!
Simply fill out the brief form and one of our Comp Care representatives will get you a list of the best carriers for your class or classes of business.