Health and safety are the first and foremost priority of employers when dealing with their employees


Workplace Accidents: Are Your Employees Safe?

New York State is home to a wide range of industries, from retail to construction. All workers, no matter how safe their occupations appear, are at risk of being injured on the job. This is one of the reasons workers’ compensation is…

Preventing Fighting-Related Injuries at Your Day Care

As a childcare provider, you are responsible for every kid left under your care. Day care insurance is an essential part of protecting your assets if something were to go wrong on the premises. A common reason behind injuries at day cares is…

Which Toys are Safest at Daycare?

When you are providing day care for young children, safety must always be of paramount concern. There can be few greater responsibilities than looking after someone else’s child or children. You’ll want to do all you can to avoid having…

Providing a Safe Work Environment for Nail Technicians

Manicures and pedicures are popular luxuries for women in New York. Aside from the pampering of fingernails and toenails, nail salons often provide a relaxing, stress-free couple of hours for otherwise busy women. There are over many nail salons…

Focusing On Safety Makes Good Business Sense

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Workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory for New York employers. Purchasing New York workers compensation insurance may help to fulfill your legal obligations as an employer, but is there more you could do to keep your workforce safe and…

Health and Safety Regulations and Workers Compensation

Have you found the various rules and regulations concerning health and safety in your workplace confusing? You’re not alone, many new business owners feel overwhelmed by the requirements and the number of things they need to know about keeping…