
What Is The Cost To Run A Captive Insurance Program?
Captive, Line of Insurance, Practice Groups, Risk Financing, Risk Management, Risk TransferHow much does it cost to start and run a captive insurance company? It’s the most frequent upfront question we get from organizations that are looking at starting their own captive insurance company for their organization. The short answer…

What’s The Difference Between a Deductible & Self-Insured Retention In Your Commercial General Liability Policy?
General Liability Insurance, Risk FinancingWith respect to your commercial general liability insurance policy; choosing between a high deductible or self-insured retention can have a major impact on your competitive position as your business competes on the street. We we want to give…

What A High Experience Mod Means and How It Can Affect You
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsYou've just seen your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) and it is high again. Or your worst-case scenario, it has gone up again. Year over year, you've spent time shopping for your insurance due to your high EMR. It is time to stop shopping…