
What A High Experience Mod Means and How It Can Affect You
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsYou've just seen your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) and it is high again. Or your worst-case scenario, it has gone up again. Year over year, you've spent time shopping for your insurance due to your high EMR. It is time to stop shopping…

What Does It Mean to Be a Competent Person According to OSHA?
Construction Practice Group Content, OSHA, Risk ManagementWhat does it mean to be a competent person according to OSHA? Are your workers competent? The general idea of competency is defined as having the required ability, skill and knowledge to do something. There are countless employers who state…

Why You Need Claims Management on OCIP Workers Compensation Claims
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsCCIP or OCIP Workers Compensation claims can cost you a lot.
Contractor Controlled Insurance Program (CCIP) and Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) are insurance programs that are designed to “wrap up” most, if not all, all of the…

Important Updates to Your Experience Mod
Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsThe NCCI (National Council on Compensation Insurance), is a group that calculates Experience Modification Factors for companies across the entire United States. Some states have their own rating bureaus due to their size and complexity. For…

6 Ways to Lower Your Workers Comp Experience Mod
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance
Is your business struggling with a high experience mod? Want to lower your workers' comp costs while decreasing your risk exposure? We've put together a short and sweet guide to lowering your workers' comp experience mod & costs as a…

Lower Your Experience Mod By Recovering Your Claims Costs
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsurancePhilip was driving to pick up a tool rental for a construction job his company was working on when another driver rear ended his car causing Philip to sustain serious back injuries. Ultimately the workers compensation insurance policy purchased…