When an employee is injured, there are many factors that must be addressed and questions that must be answered. These include whether the injury was work-related, will they need treatment, and whether Workers comp is necessary.


Hand Sanitizers Risks in the Workplace

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Hand Sanitizer Problems According to a recent event that occurred on a construction site, the Mechanical Contractors Association of America has announced to be extra cautious with brand-name liquid hand-sanitizers at the workplace. Many of…

Late Reporting of Employee Injuries will Lead to NY Workers Comp Board Fines

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At Metropolitan Risk, our best practice clients understand the critical importance of getting employee injuries into the workers compensation system. Each injury that goes undetected or unreported costs the employer up to 39% more for the same…
Multi State Exposure

Does it Make Sense to Pay Injured Employees Twice or Even Three Times?

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Unfortunately this is a question facing both interstate and intrastate trucking companies whose home office is in state “A” but they operate in states B,C,D,E. etc… These companies face what is called Multi-State Exposure. This occurs…
Multi State Exposure

Preventing Fighting-Related Injuries at Your Day Care

As a childcare provider, you are responsible for every kid left under your care. Day care insurance is an essential part of protecting your assets if something were to go wrong on the premises. A common reason behind injuries at day cares is…