
Risk of a Common Password and Ways to Avoid it (Infographic Inside)
Cyber Liability InsuranceUsing a common password leaves your organization at risk for cybercriminals to attack your account. Let’s add password protection as a major component in your organization's cybersecurity plan. The risk of a common password is tremendous,…

Cybercriminals Are Targeting HR Depts. With This Resume Scheme
Cyber Liability Insurance, HR Challenges, Risk ManagementTrojan malware attacks are resurfacing since businesses are starting to return to work embracing a new normal in a post-COVID-19 world. Organizations have started to resume their hiring practices by posting job opportunities on their website,…

Cognizant Gets $400 Million Payout After Cyber Attacks
Claims Management, Cyber Liability Insurance, Loss Control, Risk ManagementTechnology consultant firm Cognizant fell victim to cyber-attacks caused by a ransomware attack last April. The hack disrupted thousands of employees from accessing networks from their home during quarantine. Clients also disallowed Cognizant…

Buying Cyber Insurance Does Not Protect Your Organization From Cybercriminals
Cyber Liability Insurance, Risk ManagementBuying Cyber Insurance Does Not Protect Your Organization From Hackers
Understand that purchasing Cyber Insurance does not protect your organization from hacking. It simply finances pieces of the loss. A recent report by cybersecurity…

Conducting An Organization Wide Phishing Test
General Liability Insurance, Other
Remote operation of your business means that protections your office building had, your employees' homes may not. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of this situation by phishing out your employees' data. Take the time to educate your employees…

Disturbing Hacking Trends
Claims Management, Cyber Liability Insurance, Loss Control, Practice Groups, Risk ManagementSecurity experts commonly say that there are only two types of companies these days. There's companies that have been hacked, and those that don't yet know that they've been hacked. Here are some important hacking trends given by a statistical…

Business Interruption and Ransomware
Cyber Liability Insurance, Line of Insurance, Loss Control, Practice Groups, Risk ManagementRansomware is a type of malware designed to deny access to a person’s computer unless they pay the hacker ransom. The NY Times reports that these attacks have grown over the past year with a 41 percent increase in 2019. Ransomware attacks…

Phishing Attacks: Know the Signs!
Cyber Liability InsuranceBeware of Phishing!!!
Hackers will start with low-level employees first, making their way to executives’ accounts.
Hackers are constantly trying to find ways to hack into company accounts. They start off by sending trust-worthy emails…

Losing Your Identity Through Your Phone Number: How SIM-Swapping Attacks Can Leave You Vulnerable
OtherSIM-swapping is the latest way cybercriminals & hackers are performing attacks on your cell phone. Could you be next?
Picture this: It's Friday and you just got paid. You go to the ATM to withdraw $100 for the weekend. The message on…