Our clients understand the price they pay for their NY general contractors insurance program is a function of how well they prevent and manage their liability insurance and workers compensation claims. The art of qualifying and selecting their sub contractor’s can make or break the profitability of your job.

That is why the top G.C’s in the New York, Metropolitan Area select Metropolitan Risk as their Risk Manager and Brokerage Facility to assist your team of estimators and project managers deliver your project on time and on budget. We have provided the risk management & insurance brokerage services on over $ 4 billion in completed value since inception.

By utilizing our unique set of profit tools we help our G.C.’s build systems so their team can coordinate with our team to make your project Cost Efficient / Cost Consistent.

Risk Rocket : Our proprietary vendor / sub-contractor qualification system where we analyze your sub contractor or vendors insurance policy to see if it conforms to the contract they signed. If your a general contractor working in the NY Metropolitan area many of the insurance contracts purchased by your sub-contractors have major deficiencies. Should a claim occur that you cannot pass down stream the ultimate impact and cost on your future insurance costs will be substantial. That is why we developed the Risk Rocket 10 years ago, having vetted over 3,000 sub contractors since inception, saving our clients millions of dollars in construction liability insurance surcharges. CLICK HERE for more details on how it works.

911 Protocol :  The first 48 hours of a claim are critical. How you manage a potential loss out of the gate determines to a large extent the future value of that loss. That is why when you on board with Metropolitan Risk we train both senior management & P.M’s / Supervisors how to properly record ALL Incidents that might result in a future insurance claim. With our OODA Risk System and our mobile app all stakeholders are alerted of an incident. If it’s a large loss potential we have emergency response teams built and ready for dispatch From attorney’s, structural engineers professional accident investigators, to P.R. representatives you are ready to weather any storm.

Loss Control Engineers : Our loss control personnel will audit your team to make sure your team is functioning at the level you expect. Don’t wait until a loss occurs to find those safety gaps. Our Loss Control program is designed to identify proactively the risks and exposures that will eventually manifest themselves in losses.

If you are still buying insurance instead of managing your risk you will ultimately be at a disadvantage as you will be competing with our G.C’s who have proper systems built that ultimately deliver sustained cost efficiencies that simply buying insurance does not yield.

Contact us for a free consultation by filling out the form below or call us at (914) 488-4164

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Contact us today to see how we would design your program for you project specific, CCIP Wrap Program, or practice policy solution!