construction worker falling

Fall protection and safety is a major concern at construction sites. In fact, OSHA cites injuries from falls as one of its top 10 worksite injuries and a huge driver of insurance costs in states like NY which have laws that specifically address falls from a height.

Falls and falling objects result from unstable working surfaces, ladders not safely positioned and misuse of fall protection. Workers are also subject to falls or the dangers of falling objects if you can not maintain proper protection of sides, edges, floor holes and wall openings. Any time you are working at a height of six feet or more on the construction site, you must be protected.

What is “Ladders Last”?Building A Ladders Last Safety Program Yields Cost Savings On Your Construction Liability Insurance

“Ladders Last” is a program that will save lives. The idea is based on prevention rather than protection. Accomplish this by identifying other means of access and/or elevated work platforms that protect workers and support safe production, rather than defaulting to the choice of a ladder.

We Suggest :

  •       Identifying other means of access and or elevated work platforms that better protect workers and support safe production. 
Devices like scissor lifts, podium ladders, bakers racks or mobile mechanical  hydraulic lifts should be your first option.
  •       Ladders will be used on construction projects only after it has been determined that there is no other feasible method to perform the elevated work. 

  •       All ladder work will be permitted but will require sign off by your Superintendent or your Safety Manager. 

  •       Subcontractors shall complete  a Construction Ladder Use Permit and have it reviewed and approved by the  Superintendent or Safety Manager. 

  •       While working on/from the ladder, 3 points of contact must be maintained at all times. If you can not maintain 3 points, utilize 100% tie off when above a 4’ working height. 

  •       Lanyards will not be acceptable fall protection while working from a ladder. The only acceptable personal fall arrest system used when working from a ladder is retractable. 

  •       Job Built Ladders will only be allowed with approval of the Site Superintendent and Project’s Safety Manager on a case by case basis. 

  •       Extension ladders when Permitted must have walk through extensions. 

  •       Platform Ladders should be the ladder of choice on your construction projects when a ladder has been 
  •       We also suggest using A Frame ladders when ladders must be used as another potential alternative. 

  •       Daily Ladder Inspection Tag with sign off by user will be attached to each ladder. 

  •       Lastly it’s important that the ladders last program be inserted into your OSHA Site Safety Manual which should be your go to safety document.

Ladder Permits (Please Provide) :

  • Mandatory Engagement (Superintendent / Safety Manager  Project Team inspection of use & sign off) 

  • Elevated documented oversight 

  • Correct ladder size and set-up 

  • Training documentation for use 

National Statistics

  • A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that falls remain a leading cause of death and nearly half of those deadly falls have been from ladders. 

  • Approximately 20% of fall injuries involve ladders. Among construction workers an estimated 81% of fall injuries treated in emergency rooms involve ladders. 

  • Over the last 10 years the amount of ladder-related injuries has increased 50% 

  • The construction industry has the highest Ladder Fall Injuries (LFI) rate compared to other industries 

  • Ladder Fall Injuries (LFI) increase with age 

  • Companies with the fewest employees have the highest fatality rates 

  • Head injuries were implicated in about half of the fatal injuries
  • More than 90,000 people receive emergency room treatment from ladder-related injuries every year.


  • Constant misuse
  • Failure to use ladders correctly
  • Failure to inspect
  • Failure to train employees

If you like the concept and want to pursue building your own ladders last program we suggest you start by downloading our FREE GUIDE HERE. Any questions contact one of our Risk Advisors today at (914) 357-8451.