Marketing To Your Employees is Also Important
HR Challenges, Loss Control, Risk ManagementThe poster below is a tangible example of how we should be strategically marketing to our own employees. We as fellow business owners and executives spend so much blood and treasure marketing to potential customers, however so little time messaging…

Advice About Transportation Industry Fair Play Act
Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance
The new Transportation Industry Fair Play Act, effective April 10, 2014, determines whether a driver of commercial vehicles is considered an employee for the company they are servicing or an independent contractor. The cost ramifications…

Introducing Your New Customer Portal
Risk ManagementWe are very excited to announce a significant upgrade to our customer portal giving you higher functionality & ease of use. We are in the process of rolling it out to our clients. If you have not yet received your username & password…

The Cost of Not
Risk ManagementThe other day I sat back in my chair and thought about a decision process that we went through when evaluating the purchase of a certain software package. I thought about how many other business owners are faced with that exact same algorithm…

6 Ways to Lower Your Workers Comp Experience Mod
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance
Is your business struggling with a high experience mod? Want to lower your workers' comp costs while decreasing your risk exposure? We've put together a short and sweet guide to lowering your workers' comp experience mod & costs as a…

New I-9 Form Required - Do's & Don'ts
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentEmployers must begin using the new I-9 by May 7, 2013! Key revisions to the I-9 include additional data fields, more detailed instructions, and edits to the layout of the form which is now two pages.
The requirement to use the updated I-9…

How To Manage The 50 Or More Employee Health Mandate For Small Business
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentFor businesses on the cusp of 50+ employees there now stands a major dilemma. Increase staff, hire independent contractors; stop growing? Due to a new law going into effect in 2014, if a company hits the 50 full-time employee threshold it will…

What Do the Top 600 Trade Contractors in the Country Have in Common?
Construction Practice Group Content, Risk ManagementBelow you will find New York and New Jersey trade contractors that have been included in ENR's top 600 speciality contractors of 2012 list. Want to see something interesting? The average experience mod of the companies we found below is a .866!…

Lower Your Experience Mod By Recovering Your Claims Costs
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsurancePhilip was driving to pick up a tool rental for a construction job his company was working on when another driver rear ended his car causing Philip to sustain serious back injuries. Ultimately the workers compensation insurance policy purchased…