The Importance of a Return To Work Evaluation Form
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsuranceWhat is a return to work evaluation form?
Employers can provide their employees a return to work evaluation form to give to their physician when the employee suffers a work-related injury. The form can facilitate communication between the…

Why Job Descriptions Save Money On Workers Compensation Insurance
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium Audits"Do I really need to write job descriptions?" We are asked this question constantly when we are setting up a workers compensation cost containment program. We say absolutely if you want to distinguish yourself AND save big bucks when you purchase…

Best Workers Comp Class Codes For Adult Day Care Employees
HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsVirtually every business with employees is required to have workers compensation insurance, as this is mandated by state law contingent on where your company operates it's business. It can be difficult to know what workers comp class codes…

Purchasing EPLI Insurance Coverage Can Protect You With Respect To NJ Wage and Payment Requirements
HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group ContentWhen evaluating your insurance program an often overlooked coverage is Employee Practices Liability Insurance, or EPLI for short. Failure to properly pay a fair wage and calculate time worked including time off can land any unsuspecting business…

Looking for the Root Cause Of Your Problem ? Try Why Analysis
Claims Management, HR Challenges, Loss Control, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentRemember when your kids annoyed you by responding to everything you said with “Why?” Well, there was a genius to that tactic only children can impart. The 5-Why Analysis is a method used to determine and understand the root cause of a…

Late Reporting of Employee Injuries will Lead to NY Workers Comp Board Fines
Claims Management, HR Challenges, Workers Compensation InsuranceAt Metropolitan Risk, our best practice clients understand the critical importance of getting employee injuries into the workers compensation system. Each injury that goes undetected or unreported costs the employer up to 39% more for the same…

Overtime Pay: The Exposure You May Overlook
HR ChallengesAs a business owner the responsibility of providing a safe, positive, and comfortable work environment falls on your shoulders. The unfortunate reality is that these responsibilities are not always upheld or maintained. To help protect businesses…

Does it Make Sense to Pay Injured Employees Twice or Even Three Times?
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Loss Control, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsuranceUnfortunately this is a question facing both interstate and intrastate trucking companies whose home office is in state “A” but they operate in states B,C,D,E. etc… These companies face what is called Multi-State Exposure. This occurs…

Did You Receive a Letter Regarding NY Department of Labor ICR 59?
HR Challenges, Loss Control, Workers Compensation InsuranceDid you know if your company is located in New York, has annual payroll over $800,000, and a workers comp experience mod. over 1.20, you are required to go through safety procedures?
It's true. In 1996 Gov. Pataki signed into Law Legislative…