people walking blurryPhoto by Timon Studler on Unsplash

A Small Business' Guide To The CARES Act

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On Friday, March 25, 2020, the US Senate passed the CoronaVirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), to help provide financial relief to the people and business of America. This bill is a $2 Trillion dollar relief in response to…
coffee on desk

Keeping Employee Morale Up During Covid-19

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employee morale  The remote workforce has boomed over the past week and a half with thousands of organizations moving from office buildings to laptops at home. While ¼ of the U.S. workforce was part-time remote employees before the viral…
Transition to remote work

8 Tips To Ensure The Easy Transition From Office Employee To A Work From Home Employee Is Painless

Your organization does not need to shut its doors with the panic of a statewide/countrywide quarantine, you can offer a work from home option. With technology today, there is the potential to move non-customer facing operations to remote locations…
security app

Our SIM-Hacking Prevention Guide

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We recently wrote a piece about what SIM-Hacking or SIM-Swapping is. Click this link here to read it. We’re following up on that article with a quick guide to preventing SIM-hacking. We’re not here to re-explain what SIM-hacking is, we’re…
Changes To Employment Practice Liability Laws Could Affect Your Business If You Are Not Careful

Is Your Organization Prepared For The Coming Changes That Could Increase Your EPL Risk?

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Rapidly changing times bring rapidly changing standards when it comes to things like diversity, harassment, and discrimination.  Employment practices liability has always had significant exposure but the current social climate adds a hypersensitivity…
Worker burnout in human services

Signs Of Worker Burnout In Home Healthcare

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Signs Of Worker Burnout Worker burnout in the Home Healthcare Sector is a major problem. On top of burn out, home healthcare agencies face a growing problem of worker shortages. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 7.8 million job openings…
Collaborative work at a deskPhoto by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

New York State Expands Anti-Discrimination Laws

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New York State (NYS) has once again increased its protections against workplace discrimination and harassment by updating and expanding its Anti-discrimination laws. Under a new law enacted on Aug. 12, 2019, certain provisions that were added…
yes and no buttons

When An Employee Refuses Medical Injury Treatment For Potential Workers Compensation Claim

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Is your employee refusing medical injury treatment for a potential worker compensation claim? Based on the geographic location of your business, many state workers’ compensation statutes limit and mandate certain employer actions when a worker…
Return to work sucess

Discover Return To Work Program Benefits That Are Easy To Implement Within Your Organization

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A return to work (RTW) program allows employees to come back to a job while they are still injured. These employees aregiven a light or modified work instead of not working while they are injured. This workers' comp cost control tactic has…