Business Interruption and Ransomware
Cyber Liability Insurance, Line of Insurance, Loss Control, Practice Groups, Risk ManagementRansomware is a type of malware designed to deny access to a person’s computer unless they pay the hacker ransom. The NY Times reports that these attacks have grown over the past year with a 41 percent increase in 2019. Ransomware attacks…

7 Common Insurance Errors Businesses Make
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsuranceWe recently left a meeting with one of the largest construction companies in the country, whose sales are north of a billion dollars annually. The first comment my counterpart made was, “I cannot believe how poor their systems are...” I…

A Small Business' Guide To The CARES Act
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Loss Control, Practice Groups, Risk Financing, Transportation Practice Group ContentOn Friday, March 25, 2020, the US Senate passed the CoronaVirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), to help provide financial relief to the people and business of America. This bill is a $2 Trillion dollar relief in response to…

Hours of Service Law Lifted Amid Coronavirus Panic
Transportation Practice Group ContentAs of this past Friday (March 13, 2020), the hours-of-service law which mandates how many hours truck drivers can work will be suspended at a federal level for the first time in history.
Moreover, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's…

What A High Experience Mod Means and How It Can Affect You
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsYou've just seen your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) and it is high again. Or your worst-case scenario, it has gone up again. Year over year, you've spent time shopping for your insurance due to your high EMR. It is time to stop shopping…

Did You Know It's a Felony for an Unsafe Work Environment?
Construction Practice Group Content, Other, Risk ManagementDid you know it's a felony for an Unsafe Work Environment?
Did you know that having a blocked emergency exit could cost your organization about $130,000?
Were you aware that safety and supervisory staff could face up to 25 years in FEDERAL…

Is Your Organization Prepared For The Coming Changes That Could Increase Your EPL Risk?
Construction Practice Group Content, Employers Practice Liability Insurance, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Practice Groups, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentRapidly changing times bring rapidly changing standards when it comes to things like diversity, harassment, and discrimination. Employment practices liability has always had significant exposure but the current social climate adds a hypersensitivity…

REMINDER: Site Safety Training Requirements Due Dec. 1, 2019
Construction Practice Group Content, Loss Control, OSHA, Risk Management, Workers Compensation InsuranceThis is just a quick reminder to all our clients and friends that as of December 1st, 2019 per Local Law 196 of 2017, Site Safety Training or SST, workers at job sites requiring a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator or Site…

How The Insurance Marketplace Prices Your Construction Liability Policy
Construction Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance
Do you want the secret in understanding how the insurance marketplace prices your construction liability insurance policy renewals? This is an instructional piece to be shared with your staff members in charge of assisting in the design and…