Is Your Organization Prepared For The Coming Changes That Could Increase Your EPL Risk?
Construction Practice Group Content, Employers Practice Liability Insurance, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Practice Groups, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentRapidly changing times bring rapidly changing standards when it comes to things like diversity, harassment, and discrimination. Employment practices liability has always had significant exposure but the current social climate adds a hypersensitivity…

New York State Expands Anti-Discrimination Laws
Construction Practice Group Content, Employers Practice Liability Insurance, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Practice Groups, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentNew York State (NYS) has once again increased its protections against workplace discrimination and harassment by updating and expanding its Anti-discrimination laws. Under a new law enacted on Aug. 12, 2019, certain provisions that were added…

When An Employee Refuses Medical Injury Treatment For Potential Workers Compensation Claim
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsuranceIs your employee refusing medical injury treatment for a potential worker compensation claim? Based on the geographic location of your business, many state workers’ compensation statutes limit and mandate certain employer actions when a worker…

10 Storm Preparedness Tips for Business Continuity
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Loss Control, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentProper storm preparedness can help your organization continue to operate if an incident occurs within your offices that require your employees to transition to remote work. A weather incident like Super Storm Sandy in 2011 taught us these…

The 21st Century Solution for Business Protection: Cyber insurance
Construction Practice Group Content, Cyber Liability Insurance, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Loss Control, Practice Groups, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentOrdering a pizza, listening to music, getting a mortgage. All are examples of normal activities that have adapted with the emergence of computers. It is no wonder that insurance has also taken part in this advancement into the new era. However,…

Discover Return To Work Program Benefits That Are Easy To Implement Within Your Organization
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Practice Groups, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance
A return to work (RTW) program allows employees to come back to a job while they are still injured. These employees aregiven a light or modified work instead of not working while they are injured. This workers' comp cost control tactic has…

New Bill To Broaden Workplace Harassment Puts Business At Greater Risk
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Other, Risk Transfer, Transportation Practice Group ContentN.Y. State lawmakers are working towards stricter standards on workplace harassment. Under today’s guidelines, judges have determined “pulling a bra strap” or “suggesting a woman gets breast implants” doesn’t qualify as workplace…

Commercial Insurance 101: An Introduction to Insurance
Commercial Auto, Commercial Property, Construction Practice Group Content, Directors & Officers, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Transportation Practice Group Content, Vlogs, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsCommercial Insurance is one of those things that every company has but not every company understands. In some cases, a person is chosen to be put in charge of the insurance buying process and this person is usually an HR person who has a very…

How to Spot False Workers Compensation Claims
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Other, Practice Groups, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation InsuranceYou're probably looking online for an answer on "How to Spot Workers Compensation Claims". Well, it's probably the most often repeated refrain when we speak to folks whose companies are suffering under the high cost of employee injuries. They…