doctor holding file

Access to Medical And Exposure Records

In some work environments, employees can be exposed to a number of toxic and non-toxic elements. Employers are mandated to keep records of these exposures for a minimum of 30 years from the last date of entry in accordance with OSHA’s Standard…
businessman filling out paperwork

New Bill To Broaden Workplace Harassment Puts Business At Greater Risk

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N.Y. State lawmakers are working towards stricter standards on workplace harassment. Under today’s guidelines, judges have determined “pulling a bra strap” or “suggesting a woman gets breast implants” doesn’t qualify as workplace…
workplace injuries pie chart

Serious Workplace Injuries: The Top 10 Causes

Recently Liberty Mutual released their annual workplace safety index documents which included the "Top 10 Causes Of The Most Serious Workplace Injuries". These injuries cause employees to miss 5 or more days from work or were fatal. Liberty…
National safety stand down

National "Safety Stand-Down" Week 2019

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OSHA announced May 6-10th is "National Safety Stand-Down" week. Falls are the number 1 on the job cause of death for the construction industry. Here is a list of resources & ideas for events and conversations to have with your employees…
lower your risk of auto claims

Auto Exposure in Home Healthcare Organizations

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Many Human Services and Healthcare organizations rely on their staff to visit client homes, facilities, and provide transportation for clients.  A strong set of controls paired with the appropriate insurance coverage can significantly lower…
commercial insurance 101

Commercial Insurance 101: An Introduction to Insurance

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Commercial Insurance is one of those things that every company has but not every company understands. In some cases, a person is chosen to be put in charge of the insurance buying process and this person is usually an HR person who has a very…
how to prevent hiring your next workers' comp claim video thumbnail

Workers Comp Claim: How To Prevent Hiring Your Next One

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Did you know that MOST workers comp challenges originate from the moment you send that offer of employment letter out?   If you didn't, you are not alone. When you hire a new employee, you inherit their ENTIRE medical history!…
NY skyline insurance

Buying Insurance Is A Flawed Process

Frustrated by the commercial insurance renewal process...  Every year commercial insurance buyers dread going into "renewal season" attempting to try and get the best pricing for their insurance program. The entire process is flawed, as shown…
Misaligned goals

MisAligned Goals

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Commercial Insurance Is Essentially A Very Expensive Credit Line In Reverse...  Have you ever missed a payment on a Visa card only to watch your interest rate double because of that simple mistake? Misaligned goals are common and, unfortunately,…