5 Tips For Employers With Repeat Accident Offenders
OtherDo You Have Employees That Are Repeat Accident Offenders?
If your business suffers from the high cost of employee injuries on their workers' compensation insurance due to the same employees becoming injured repeatedly; this article…

How Workers' Compensation Class Code #8873 "Telecommuter Reassigned Employees" Can Help You Save Money On Your Insurance Premium
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, Human Services Practice Group Content, Marketplace News, Risk Financing, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsThe New York Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Board (NYCIRB) has released a new class code for ‘Telecommuter Reassigned Employees’.
If you are a business owner you might be wondering how do I adjust my workers' compensation rates…

Having The CORRECT Business Interruption Insurance Determines If Your Business Survives
Commercial Property, OtherBusiness Income Insurance or Business Interruption Coverage is not only the most often overlooked insurance coverage, but the error rate in how it's calculated is over 90%, and I am being generous here. Skeptical, pull your policy. My guess…

Cyber Security Awareness Month
Cyber Liability Insurance, Marketplace NewsOctober is Cyber Security Awareness Month!
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing concerns for businesses as many opportunities for growth within an organization have developed into fully remote positions. To Celebrate…

New York's DOL Introduces New Notice Of Pay Rate form for Home Care Providers Under New York Wage Prevention Act Updates
Human Services Practice Group Content, Marketplace NewsEffective October 1, 2020, New York State's Department of Labor requires a new Notice of Pay Rate form for employers. The form is required to be used by home healthcare aide under the Wage Parity Law. The updated changes to the New York Wage…

Injury Concerns When Working Construction
OtherDid you know that there are approximately 250,000 construction sites in the United States alone? Injury rates among construction workers are also marginally higher than those who choose other professions. Falling from heights, working with heavy…

Telehealth Growth During COVID-19
OtherWhile many markets have plummeted due to covid-19, one has seen immense growth: the telehealth market. Telehealth has come to be a great alternative for people trying to get medical advice on physical, behavioral, or mental questions. Whether…

HIPAA Rules and Regulations
HIPAA violations can cost your practice, bigtime. There are federal fines for noncompliance based on the amount of negligence within your individual organization at the time of the violation. In human terms, fines range from anywhere between…

COVID-19 on NYS Workers Compensation
Claims Management, Human Services Practice Group Content, Other, Workers Compensation InsuranceThe COVID-19 outbreak has spread all throughout America, but most notably in New York. Considering America’s largest metropolitan hub is New York City, when the disease hit it was bound to be catastrophic. Due to the heavy outbreak in New…