Best Workers Comp Rates in New York

Who Has the Best Workers Compensation Rates in New York!?

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Click here to find out! Simply fill out the brief form and one of our Comp Care representatives will get you a list of the best carriers for your class or classes of business.

6 Ways to Lower Your Workers Comp Experience Mod

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Is your business struggling with a high experience mod? Want to lower your workers' comp costs while decreasing your risk exposure? We've put together a short and sweet guide to lowering your workers' comp experience mod & costs as a…

Summarizing Cuomo's NY Workers Comp Reform

Governor Cuomo announced last week that his administration plans to introduce new legislation to continue to improve the workers' compensation system and to attempt to provide relief to thousands of businesses. Cuomo's goal is to provide…

Lower Your Experience Mod By Recovering Your Claims Costs

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Philip was driving to pick up a tool rental for a construction job his company was working on when another driver rear ended his car causing Philip to sustain serious back injuries. Ultimately the workers compensation insurance policy purchased…

The Correlation Between Business Travel & Workers Compensation Claims

Lets get straight to the facts: business travel often causes travel-induced health problems that can eventually lead to workers' compensation claims. You don’t want workers' compensation claims. The following are the three biggest…

Why Buying Workers Compensation Insurance Through Your Payroll Provider is a Bad Idea

  We have all seen the solicitations from ADP, PayChex and the like relating to linking your workers' compensation insurance to your payroll system. While I do not dispute the immediate benefit of such an arrangement, in most instances…

With Workers Compensation Insurance Rates Heading Higher, Workers Compensation Cost Containment Moves Front & Center

In a recently published survey by Zywave, a leading insurance industry publisher, 59% of the 3,500 employers who responded to the survey ending February 24th 2012  said they were very concerned about workers compensation insurance rates.   There…

4 Common Workers' Compensation Mistakes

It's not until you are hit with a few unexpected workers' compensation mistakes you really start thinking about how to improve them. When rates are low, many people think "out of sight, out of mind." Most employers look at Workers' Compensation…

Preparing for Workers’ Compensation Audits

Are you organized for your workers compensation audits and do you know what they’re all about? It’s no secret that the word ‘audit’ tends to scare people, but as long as you have all the paperwork relating to whatever…