Do You Have Workers That Are Frequent Claim Filers?
Claims Management, Workers Compensation InsuranceWhile the vast majority of workers comp claims are legitimate accidents from honest, hard-working employees eager to overcome their injury and get back to work. However, every so often an employee with ulterior, personal motives decides to beat…
Workers Compensation Insurance for Leased Workers
Construction Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsMany companies are increasingly turning to staffing agencies where they lease employees to meet their needs for a variety of reasons, including increased workloads and high employee turnover rates. Companies that use staffing agencies can save…
Why Current Economic Conditions Are Perfect To Restructure Your Insurance Program
Captive, General Liability Insurance, Line of Insurance, Risk Financing, Risk Management, Risk Transfer, Workers Compensation InsuranceIn our opinion, there is no better time to consider alternative risk transfer as a strategy to get more cost-efficient with respect to your current commercial property insurance, commercial liability insurance, workers compensation insurance,…
Construction Manager Vs. General Contractor- What Is The Difference?
Construction Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Workers Compensation InsuranceYour operations are as a General Contractor, but the contract you are looking to enter (or have entered) references to your organization as a Construction Manager. Is there an issue here? Although at first glance you may see similarities…
A Fireside Chat with A Claims Adjuster
Claims Management, Commercial Auto, Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Interview, Other, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsOur Claims Advocacy Team got to sit down with a workers’ compensation claims professional who specializes in high exposure claims. They discussed a high exposure claim that wasn’t reported timely to the carrier after the incident occurred. Please…
Protecting Your Workforce From Winter Related Illness
Claims Management, Construction Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Risk Management, Workers Compensation InsuranceWinter weather creates new challenges for employers trying to protect their employees from work-related accidents. Snow and Ice. How are you protecting your employees from potential slip and fall incidents related to snow and ice? According…
OSHA 2020 Workplace Injury Reports Due By March 2, 2021
OSHA, Workers Compensation InsuranceThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reminds employers that it began collecting 2020 workplace injury data on Jan. 2, 2021. When are OSHA 300A Reports Due? All OSHA 300a records must be submitted electronically by March…
Should We Require Our Employees To Be Vaccinated For Covid 19
General Liability Insurance, HR Challenges, Workers Compensation InsuranceShould my company mandate vaccinations? Like everything Covid related, the answer is complicated. According to employment law attorney Rich Landau of Jackson Lewis, their tentative position is that requiring employees to be vaccinated for…
New York State's Updated Sick Leave Law
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, New York, Risk Management, State Law, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsNew York State’s Paid Sick Leave policies were introduced on April 3, 2020, and went into effect on Sept. 30, 2020. On January 1, 2021, employees may start using their accrued leave. The number of sick leave hours required is based on…