4 Types of Insurance To Consider Purchasing For Home Health Care Agencies
Employers Practice Liability Insurance, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Other, Workers Compensation InsuranceBeing prepared with the right home health care insurance will help you develop a strong system in your company. It’s important to have a tight process so everything is clear and understood. When opening your own home healthcare agency there…

The 21st Century Solution for Business Protection: Cyber insurance
Construction Practice Group Content, Cyber Liability Insurance, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Loss Control, Practice Groups, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group ContentOrdering a pizza, listening to music, getting a mortgage. All are examples of normal activities that have adapted with the emergence of computers. It is no wonder that insurance has also taken part in this advancement into the new era. However,…

Commercial Insurance 101: An Introduction to Insurance
Commercial Auto, Commercial Property, Construction Practice Group Content, Directors & Officers, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Line of Insurance, Transportation Practice Group Content, Vlogs, Workers Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Premium AuditsCommercial Insurance is one of those things that every company has but not every company understands. In some cases, a person is chosen to be put in charge of the insurance buying process and this person is usually an HR person who has a very…

Workers Comp Claim: How To Prevent Hiring Your Next One
Employers Practice Liability Insurance, General Liability Insurance, Human Services Practice Group Content, Vlogs, Workers Compensation InsuranceDid you know that MOST workers comp challenges originate from the moment you send that offer of employment letter out?
If you didn't, you are not alone. When you hire a new employee, you inherit their ENTIRE medical history!…

Construction Liability Insurance: Why Loss Pics Are Important
Construction Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, Risk Management, Vlogs
There is a secret to knowing your construction liability insurance renewal pricing months early.
What if we told you that you could predict within a reasonable variance how much your construction liability insurance pricing will change at…

The True Cost of Your HR Practices
Construction Practice Group Content, Food & Beverage Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, HR Challenges, Human Services Practice Group Content, Risk Management, Transportation Practice Group Content, Workers Compensation Insurance
Employees are the principal foundation of all companies. It is important to realize that there are many different types of employees and the ones you choose to hire will significantly impact how well your business is run. In other words,…

Knowing Additional Insured Status Is Worth It
Construction Practice Group Content, General Liability Insurance, OtherI read somewhere that a smart person learns from their mistakes while a wise person learns from the mistakes of others. In the spirit of this musing I offer up a recent experience of an electrical subcontracting firm, a large CCIP (Contractor…

Building A Ladders Last Safety Program Yields Cost Savings On Your Construction Liability Insurance
Construction Practice Group Content, General Liability InsuranceFall protection and safety is a major concern at construction sites. In fact, OSHA cites injuries from falls as one of its top 10 worksite injuries and a huge driver of insurance costs in states like NY which have laws that specifically address…

Ladder Safety Plan Is Critical To Controlling NY Construction Liability Insurance Costs
Construction Practice Group Content, General Liability InsuranceWhy Ladder Safety Is Important To Controlling NY Construction Liability Costs
Falls from elevated surfaces are frequently listed as one of the top 10 causes of accidents in the workplace. Most of these accidents occur due to failure to follow…